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Tag Archives: health

10 Vegetables with the Highest Pesticide Residues

10 Vegetables with the Highest Pesticide Residues

Vegetables with high pesticide residues are harmful to health if consumed without washing properly. These chemicals can accumulate in the body, causing health problems such as nausea, vomiting, or even cancer in the long run. Therefore, choosing to buy organic vegetables and washing them properly is important

How to eat “carbohydrates” without getting fat

How to eat “carbohydrates” without getting fat

How to eat “carbohydrates” without getting fat. I think many people think that if they want to lose weight, they have to stop eating flour or carbohydrates. But in fact, there are ways that we can eat carbohydrates that will not make us fat. According

Benefits of tapioca starch for house cleaning

Benefits of tapioca starch for house cleaning

Tapioca starch is a type of starch made from cassava. It looks like a fine white powder. Has a light fragrance. Tapioca flour has many benefits. One of the most notable benefits of talcum powder is that it can be used for cleaning purposes. Tapioca starch has excellent absorbent properties. Able

How to remove mothball smell from clothes

How to remove mothball smell from clothes

Clothes, blankets, etc. that are not used frequently are often put away in boxes or storage. That is rarely opened to allow air to circulate And for some people. They put mothballs in boxes or containers to store their clothes to prevent insects from biting the fabric. But